May 5

The starting point today was just east of Glenwood. The weather was cool and sunny. At about the half way point in today walk, the shoulder turned from good to very narrow which meant single file walking for the remainder of the day.
We were surprised when a black Suburban pulled over onto the shoulder. It was Patsy Harris, a good friends of the Goodmans and Mattsons. She was on her way to her house in Nashville (Arkansas) and knew we were on the road somewhere between Hot Springs and Glenwood. It was good to chat with Patsy and we hope to see her Saturday at the reception.
On we walked until we passed a house a we heard a voice coming out of the trees. "Are you out surveying?". "No", we replied, "Just walking across the US". "Are you walking for a cause?" can the voice again. We said, "Yes, for Habitat for Humanity". And again from the trees with no one in sight, "Are you taking donations?". That got our attention. We backtracked to find out who was this mysterious voice. It was Carl Hall and John instructed him to send his contribution to the Habitat office.
On we walked until Carol picked us up at the Log Cabin Liquor Store. We walked 11 miles and found .22 cents. Stay tuned .....

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