Tuesday, November 15

Once again Ruth took us out to the starting point, just west of Brunswick. Before long we passed by a place that sold collard greens. John, knowing that I just love collard greens, suggested I pose for a photo with my favorite vegetable. Yum-O.
We passed the intersection of highways 82/502 and 303. Here we said goodbye to Highway 82, our friend since Lake Village, Arkansas. We are now on Highway 502 and it will take us to Jekyll Island.
Passed two large truck stops and just a bit more and we were walking along the marsh flats. Off to our left was the Port Authority of Brunswick, Georgia. Ford, General Motors and Mercedes-Benz use this port to export their cars, while about a dozen other car manufactures use the port for import. We saw hundreds of cars either being sent out or shipped in.
We spotted the Sidney Lanier Bridge up ahead. It crosses St. Simons Sounds and takes you into Brunswick.
We turned right just before the bridge and were on the road to Jekyll Island. That mysterious island we have been talking about for so long. Ruth and Carol met us just down the road.
Today we found 2 Georgia license plates and .94 cents. Stay tuned for the exciting finish ...

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