Monday, April 7th
We got an early start today as we had to drive quite a ways to get to the starting point. Off we went and after a few miles, we came to downtown Rice, California. Downtown Rice consist of a burnt out gas station. There is a railroad across the highway with a few boxcars on a siding, but that is it. But RIce is famous for one thing, a shoe fence. A few yards down, there is a fence with hundreds of shoes hung from it. There was a tree that the shoe hung from, but it burned down along with the gas station. John and I found some old shoes and made our contribution. Other than that, it was a routine day and just when Ruth and Carol were to pick us up, we spied our first snake. It was a red racer. Common in the Mojave Desert and a very colorful snake. And most important, non-poisonous.
Today I found a wrench, a plastic hot dog man, a lighter that looks like a wrench, a very nice windbreaker that is XL, so John may end up with it and .07 cents. We walked 12.5 miles today. Stay tuned ......
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