Thursday, May 20th

We walked another 11 miles today. Everyone walked at some point. John put in 7 miles. Today was a good day to walk. The shoulder was wide, the sky was blue, the wind only a breeze,the weather warm, but not hot and we are walking due east, our favorite direction.

We found 70 cents, unfortunately it was all embedded in the asphalt. Tomorrow, we are carrying a small screwdriver with us to pry out any stuck coins. We did manage to find a 5/16 open end wrench not stuck to the asphalt.

We drove back to Muleshoe, and met up with Magann Reynolds and her son Gil Lamb at the Muleshoe Mule Memorial. They are owners/operator of Chanel 6, local cable channel. Magann interviewed us for about 15 minutes while Gil shot the tape. She said the tape will be shown tomorrow in Muleshoe, Earth, Sudan and some other small towns. We are going to try and get a DVD of the interview.

The Mule Memorial is actually very nice. No one thinks about honoring mules, but they have served our country well, even in war. Which reminds me of a fellow that both the Mattsons and Goodmans know. His name is Fred Randle and he served in WWII with Merrill's Marauders in the Burma Campaign. Fred was responsible for one mule and all the supplies that it carried. Fred wrote a book about his experiences, the title of which escapes me. If someone would like a copy of Fred's book, I can get it, let me know.
Tomorrow, a report from Earth. Stay tuned .....

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