Saturday, June 12th
Last night we all went to the local country club to celebrate John and Ruth's 45th wedding anniversary. John bought Ruth a bouquet of flowers and we all had a good meal and a good time. Congratulations John and Ruth !!
Today we walked through Vernon, Texas, our last town to walk through. About a mile into town, a bread salesman saw us walking and stopped to talk. We told him about our walk and he seemed genuinely interested and offered us a loaf of bread. We graciously declined his offer and immediately wondered why we did that. A free loaf of bread doesn't come along everyday.
We walked out of town and into a blustering wind and much traffic. The highway is divided here and is much like an interstate. But we kept going until a state trooper stopped us. I thought for sure he would make us get off the highway, but he told us to be careful and let us continue. A little later on, a lady pulled up behind Carol, who was waiting in the car along side the road. She told Carol that she was going to the vet and if Carol was still there when she drove back, she was going to stop and see if their was any trouble. Carol explained our walk for Habitat and she said she loved the work Habitat was doing and for Carol to wait there for just a minute. She went back to her car and came back with two dollars and said she was sorry, but that was all the money she had with her. Thanks mystery lady.
After 11 miles, we were at Oklaunion, Texas and our ending point for today. John walked with me the whole 11 miles. Good going John!
Vernon was good to us today, we found 61 cents and a socket wrench. Monday we cross the Red River and wrap up Phase II. Stay tuned ....
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