Saturday, April 5th

We walked 16.5 miles today and reached the 200 mile point. John and I toasted each other with our traditional water bottle toast.
On the way to our starting point, we had to pass a California Fruit and Vegetable Inspection Station. We told the inspector that we had seen signs that read, "Caution Wild Animals", and we wondered what wild animals they meant. She said that there were, wild burros, mountain lions and bobcats in the desert. Well, to make a long story short, we didn't see any of those animals. The walk today was very routine, but I did manage to find an Arizona license plate,(I want to get one from every state)a _ inch socket and an 18 inch Erie Manufacturing Iron Works pipe wrench and .20 cents. I put 16.5 miles on my New Balance 858. Stay tuned ….

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