Saturday, May 31st

No walking today or tomorrow. Ruth is in Arkansas visiting family and
friends and John went to Las Cruces to visit daughter, Jonna and her family. Carol and I went to Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Preserve. Bosque del Apache is Spanish for "woods of the Apache". Tens of thousands of birds, including Sandhill Cranes, Arctic geese and many kinds of ducks, gather each autumn and stay through the winter. The Preserve diverts water from the Rio Grande to create wetlands and bottom lands. We checked in at the visitors center, watched a short video and started the auto tour. There are also many hiking trails. I added six birds to my list and we saw several mule deer. Then we went to the Owl Bar and Grill in San Antonio for lunch. Great hamburgers, check it out on Goggle. Their speciality is a green chile cheeseburger. We are moving the RVs to San Antonio tomorrow, so it looks like I'll get a chance to try their speciality.

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