Update June 22nd

This will be my last update for a while and the saddest to write. John has been to three doctors in the last 10 days, the last one being a rheumatoid arthritis specialist. John has rheumatoid arthritis and the doctor told him to continue to walk would be very foolish. The walk has been put on hold. Starting at Capistrano Beach, California on February 19th and walking to San Antonio, New Mexico, on June 2nd, we walked 800 miles. What is not on hold, is our effort to place a deserving family in a new house in Hot Springs. We ask for your continued support. Checks may be sent to Garland Co. Habitat for Humanity, PO Box 171, Hot Springs, Arkansas 71902. Mark "Coast to Coast Walk" in the memo section.

Carol and I are working our way back to Arkansas and John and Ruth are staying out west to visit family and friends. We welcome your prayers for a quick recovery. So until then,
stay tuned ........

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