Thursday, June 3rd

John took us out today to the start point and Carol and I started walking toward Paducah. Within 10 minutes, we saw a deer off to our right. Our first live deer sighting. A little bit more and we saw a large wooded area and it must have have a dozen or more deer stands. Must be deer here somewhere.

Not to be outdone in the wildlife department, John rescued a terrapin attempting to cross the highway. He gently returned to the side of the highway in the tall grass.

On we walked from wooded lots into pasture land and farmland. We arrived at the outskirts of Paducah and there was a work crew repairing the highway.One of the worker wanted to know if I wanted a lift and I said I would rather walk if he didn't mind. He said OK, but just move over when I come through. He was the driver of the "PILOT CAR FOLLOW ME" truck. I got "way over" when he came through, just to make him feel good.

We will walk through Paducah, "The Crossroads of the USA" tomorrow. We found a golf ball. Stay tuned ....

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