Friday, October 28

Carol took us out to the starting point this morning, about 4 miles west from the Albany city limits. After about 3 miles, we stopped at a convenience store to energize ourselves with a Krispy Kreme donut.
Then about another mile, we stopped again to use the facilities. While waiting I noticed something you probably won't find in Hot Springs. On the shelf was a can of green, boiled peanuts, regular or Cajun style. Anyone what some? I'm taking orders.
On we walked, We came to the Flint River that runs through Albany. Seems like if a town has a river, it is required to have a riverfront park, and Albany has a nice one.
After the walk and lunch, Carol and I were off to find the post office and the local Habitat ReStore. We get our mail via general delivery. Our mail is forwarded to our son, Scott's address and then we provide him with a post office address of a town we will be going through.
At the ReStore, we talked to Charles, the asst. manger, Jimmy Cross, construction manager and Ginny Shemery, business director. They have a very nice ReStore, but desperately need the means to test donated appliances. Hope I don't step on any toes by saying that.
Today we found three bullets, caliber unknown and .25 cents. Stay tuned ...

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