Saturday, May 17th
Today we started at the Arizona/New Mexico state line. Good-by Arizona, hello New Mexico! Mile markers start over, so our goal is mile marker 15. We are still in high prairie country. This is cattle country also, although I don't know what they eat. The grass here is mostly brown. This is also deer, elk and antelope country. We saw two antelope this morning early in our walk. We also saw quite a few cottontail rabbits and one jack rabbit. We are on Highway 60 heading east toward Red Hill. There is a story about how Red Hill got it's name. In 1836, a prospector named Adams staggered into the town of Pinos Altos. With multiple arrow wounds and close to death, he told several people gathered around him that he had been prospecting in the north. When they opened his knapsack they found a fortune in gold. His only marker to tell where the goldfield was a red hill in the distance, where he described gold lying everywhere. Adams died before he could give more details and the place he described has never been found. We came to Red Hill and the only thing there was one red house and two horses. In fact, we only saw two houses on our entire walk today. The weather today was pleasant compared to the weather a few days ago. Chilly in the morning, warming up as we go, but the winds picks up and is blowing against us. We arrived at marker 15 and after a short wait, Carol and Ruth arrived to pick us up. They had our lunch, an egg sandwich.
Yummo! Today I found a fork and a spoon. Stay tuned.
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