Thursday, May 29th
We got up extra early today, 4:30 am. We had a long drive to the starting point, marker 118, and we wanted to beat the heat. When we started, it was still a little dark but there was very little traffic. We are walking beside the Magdalena Mountains on the LaJencia Plain. There is also the Magdalena Fault between John and I and the mountains.We saw two groups of antelope today but not as many as we have seen in the past. About the 8 or 9 mile marker we heard an explosion somewhere in the mountains and then about a half hour later another explosion. My theory is that there is some sort of mining going on. On we walked through Water Canyon and our stopping place for today, marker 134, we walked 16 miles. Today I found a hemostat, four beer can openers, two pocket knives in dubious condition and two coyote teeth. We know they are coyote teeth because John found the skull and I did a little dentistry work and got the teeth out. Stay tuned ....
PS: One week ago, John and I walked through two days of rain, sleet and snow at Pie Town, New Mexico. Today in Socorro, New Mexico the temperature reached 99 degrees.
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