Tuesday November 1

We had a fairly late start this morning, 8:15 am. Same weather as yesterday, only more sunshine today.
Before long we came to a field with a crew harvesting something. John said it might be cucumbers. Being a city boy, I didn't have a clue, so I will leave it at cucumbers.
A few miles further, we came to several pecan trees. John started gathering as many as he could carry. I picked up about half a dozen, cracked them open and found them to be bad, so stopped my harvest. John gathered about 2 lbs. and the jury is still out as to whether or not they are any good.
On head we walked. A strange thing happened. As I was approaching The Soda-Pop-2 convenience store, a lady came outside, did something to the door and then went back inside. I walked up to the door and it was locked.
Locked out. John said she took one look at me and locked the door.
We walked on, crossed Ty Ty Creek, entered the town of Ty Ty, passed the Ty Ty post office and finally came to the Ty Ty Peanut Company.

We met Ruth just outside of Tifton, Ga. We walk through Tifton tomorrow. Besides John's pecans, we found a magnetic sign that said, "We're on our way, To watch the Gators play". In Georgia, that can get you in trouble. We also found .02 cents.
The mystery of the locked door at the Soda-Pop-2 is solved. I got online to find some information about Ty Ty, Georgia. I didn't find much, but I did find this headline from the Albany Tribune. "Thursday afternoon the Soda-Pop-2 convenience store on Highway 82 east, near Ty Ty, was robbed by an armed man". I wonder if he was wearing orange?
Stay tuned ...

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