Ruth took us out this morning, we didn't have far to go. We were soon walking through Tifton, Georgia. We walked along franchise row, McDonald's, Burger King, Shoney's, etc, etc. We crossed under I-75 , it goes north to Atlanta and south to Ft. Lauderdale.
We used the facilities at the local Ford dealership. John knew some of the employees since he had his truck serviced there yesterday. They didn't have any donuts. On the east side of Tifton, there was a large peanut processing plant. Parked outside were the specialty wagons that peanuts are hauled in.
Just before we got to Brookfield, we saw a man on a tractor cutting the cotton plants that had already been picked. John said it makes it easier to plant next years cotton if this years cotton is cut down.
Up ahead, we saw some peanuts that had been turned over. The peanuts were drying in the sun awaiting harvest.
At Brookfield, we stopped at a convenience store. There were about 6 video poker machines inside with a player at each one. I didn't think these machines were legal and then I saw a sign that said, "Winners will receive store credit only, no cash paid out".
Carol and Ruth were waiting at marker 18. We are about halfway through Georgia and on schedule. We have 17 more days left.
Today we found a Florida Gators license plate and .19 cents. Stay tuned ...
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