After we walked last Friday, and rested up a bit, we drove back to Waurika and the Rattlesnake Hunt. The carnival was in town and main street was closed off. This is the one big event that takes place every year in Waurika. Cotton candy, corn dogs, funnel cakes, onion straws, you can even get fried Snickers. But we were interested in rattlesnakes. We found ourselves at the Rattlesnake Butcher Shop where they prepared the rattlesnakes for frying. Carol and I tried some fried rattlesnake. There was very little meat on the piece I tried, but it did taste a bit like chicken. (Does that mean that chicken taste like rattlesnake?).
April 9

We got up early Saturday morning and drove out to the starting point. The sun was just coming up, awesome. We walked through the small town of Ringling. Named after John Ringling, one of four brother that helped form the world famous Ringling Brothers Barnum and Baily Circus. We got our 12 miles in and found 38 cents today. Stay tuned ...

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