April 17

No walking today, instead we attended the services at First Baptist Church of Durant, Oklahoma.
We have walked 169 miles since April 1st. John and I have seen some beautiful countryside and have met some wonderful people. Ruth and Carol continue to be our support team. Without them, this walk would be impossible.
But this is not about our walk, it is not about Dick and John or Ruth and Carol. It is about Kateena Walker and her two daughters, ages 6 and 4. Kateena has been a Wal-Mart employee for the past 10 year. Kateena and her family have been in and out of various apartments for the past 10 years. She would like a permanent home so her daughters can grow up in a safe, secure environment. A place where her daughters can grow up to their full potential. A place that is decent and affordable. Their own home.
Won't you help us put Kateena and her daughters in a decent, affordable and safe Habitat house. Please make a pledge or donation and help Kateena make her dream come true.

Send donations to Garland Co HFH, Coast to Coast Walk, P O Box 171, Hot Springs, AR 71902. All contributions are tax deductible. Thank you.

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