April 11

Ruth and Carol took us out to the starting point once again. John and I both felt good after a days rest. We have been walking on Highway 70 east and it has been a 2 lane road. Today, after about a half mile it widened to 4 lanes, divided highway. There was a wide shoulder which makes for good walking. The first thing we saw today was an oil well. There are several around here. Most are pumping but some are dormant.
On we walked passed the Black Gold Casino. I had been wondering why we had not seen tools along the road. In our other walks, Phase I and Phase II, we had always picked up screwdrivers, wrenches, etc. But, so far on this walk, nothing. Today changed all of that. We found a pair of channel locks, a large drill bit, a saw blade, a screwdriver, a funny looking curved tool with a wrench on both ends, a socket wrench, a pair of scissors and a pocketknife. Plus 2 Iowa license plates with identical numbers and letters, a 5 peso coin and $1.14 in coins. Stay tuned ...

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